the Headlines
Beyond the Headlines
Real stories, Real people
Real stories, Real people
In November, celebrity photographer and author, Pattie Boyd and six incredible refugees came together to create a portrait series to remind everyone of the individual human stories that sit ‘Beyond the Headlines.’

Alexandra, Amany, Hamzeh, Maysara, Najee and Vera have all found safety in the UK after being forced to flee their homes in Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine. They joined Pattie for a photoshoot with a difference – each photograph features genuine news headlines that relate to their personal story.
With conflicts and crises making headlines nearly every day, there’s a risk that society can forget the ordinary people affected, whose lives have been changed forever. Alongside each portrait, find out more about each person’s story – from memories of winter, to their passions and hopes for the future.
This winter, we’re asking you to look beyond the headlines.

This November, celebrity photographer and author, Pattie Boyd and six incredible refugees came together to create a portrait series to remind everyone of the individual human refugee stories that sit ‘Beyond the Headlines.’
Alexandra, Amany, Hamzeh, Najee, Maysara and Vera have all found safety in the UK after being forced to flee their homes in Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine. They joined Pattie for a photoshoot with a difference – each photograph features genuine news headlines that relate to their personal refugee stories.
With conflicts and crises making headlines nearly every day, there’s a risk that society can forget the ordinary people affected, whose lives have been changed forever. Alongside each portrait, find out more about each person’s story – from memories of winter, to their passions and hopes for the future.
This winter, we’re asking you to look beyond the headlines.
“I know firsthand how being forcibly displaced induces a unique sense of strength and resilience, and that this is one of the many reasons why refugees make brilliant contributions to their host countries.”
“I believe the first step to understanding refugees and our journeys is to attentively listen and learn from our stories. These stories reveal the people behind the news headlines and statistics, shedding light on our diverse cultural heritage, history and traditions, nurturing respect and empathy.”
“Each refugee has a unique story to share, and taking the time to sit with us and listen will help you understand why empathy and support for refugees are vital.”
“People not only opened their homes to Ukrainian people but also their hearts.”
Hamzeh and Amany
“I want people to get to know me before they make their assumptions about me. Just because I have a disability doesn’t mean that I’m weak or helpless and just because I’m a refugee doesn’t mean it was a choice.”
Behind the scenes and Beyond the Headlines, with Pattie Boyd
“I found myself moved and inspired when hearing the refugee stories of these individuals. I hope these photographs remind everyone that beyond every headline are the individual stories of ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down by war, in an instant.”
Pattie Boyd