Emergency response

When a crisis erupts, UNHCR teams are ready to deploy within 72 hours.

Photo: ©UNHCR/A.Krause

UNHCR maintains enough relief items to protect as many as 1,000,000 people in a single influx. Supplies are warehoused in seven strategic hubs – Copenhagen, Amman, Nairobi, Panama City, Douala, Dubai and Accra – to enable immediate transit to anywhere in the world.

When crisis erupts, UNHCR staff cover every angle of emergency response, from establishing camps in safe zones, and installing water and sanitation, to treating injured civilians who have fled their homes and coordinating vast supplies and transport, such as emergency airlifts.



Safeguarding the right to seek safety



A place to feel safe and secure again

Water and sanitation

Water and sanitation

Saving lives with safe, clean water



A lifeline for hungry families

Emergency medical care

Emergency medical care

Life-saving care for the sick and injured

Basic survival kits

Basic survival kits

Restoring the things we take for granted

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