An update from our CEO: one million refugees flee Ukraine

Ukraine: UNHCR colleagues are working around the clock to support all families forced to flee


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© UNHCR/Zsolt Balla

“In just seven days, one million people have fled Ukraine, uprooted by this senseless war.”  UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi. One million refugees. It’s hard to comprehend, but this number represents one million people who – just one week ago – were working, studying, raising children, enjoying retirement. One million people who did not think this could ever be their reality.

Amid this heartbreaking milestone, I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible generosity supporters like you have shown to families forced to flee.Witnessing the outpouring of support from people across the UK has been both humbling and heart-warming. It’s inspiring to see that in the face of this crisis, neighbouring countries have kept their borders open and local communities have welcomed refugees with open arms.

But as widespread fighting continues across the country, hour by hour, minute by minute, this number is only continuing to rise as more people flee the terrifying reality of violence.

With the numbers changing so rapidly, I wanted to make sure you had access to the most up to date information. This is why I’m sharing a direct link to UNHCR’s data portal on the Ukraine crisis.The portal is full of resources to help you stay informed with the latest developments, including updates on UNHCR operations on the ground, the latest displacement figures, and the ongoing response in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. I hope you find it helpful.

Seven days into this emergency, the scale of need is already enormous.

As we speak, my colleagues are working around the clock to support all families forced to flee. We are sending aid to neighbouring countries like Moldova, Poland and Romania and our emergency aid within Ukraine is being delivered whenever and wherever the security situation allows. 

UNHCR is also advocating strongly for all refugees to be permitted to cross borders safely and exercise their right to seek asylum under the Refugee Convention, regardless of their legal status, nationality and race.

The recent military action in Ukraine highlights how important it is for us to be prepared for emergency situations, and how much of a difference your donation can make.

Please, help keep the momentum and solidarity with people forced to flee going by making a donation to support our work on the ground in Ukraine. Your support will truly make a difference.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to displaced families everywhere.

We rely on voluntary contributions to make our work possible.
Thank you for standing with refugees.

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