Ramadan is not the same for displaced families like Fattoum’s

“I fast having eaten yogurt and have only soup for iftar…” This Ramadan, help families like Fattoum’s in Yemen.



During Ramadan, Yemen remains the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. With Yemen once again on the brink of famine, displaced Yemenis like Fattoum are four times more at risk of going hungry. Hunger that Fattoum and her children sadly know too well. Luckily, it can take just a second to help families like Fattoum’s this Ramadan.

“I suffer through poverty, exhaustion and sadness… I don’t sleep or rest because of my fear for my children,” Fattoum told us with tears in her eyes.

The hardships faced by Fattoum are severe. She has health issues, a disability which it makes it hard to walk, and shoulders the responsibility of bringing up her four children alone since their father died, all while living in a tented shelter far away from her home facing uncertainty and hunger on a daily basis. Despite everything, Fattoum is resilient and endlessly devoted to her children, even opening a small shop in her tent to try to improve their situation.

Throughout Ramadan, our teams are on the ground doing everything they can to help families in dire need. Eighty percent of the population is relying on aid to survive, but this critical work remains severely underfunded. Your support today can provide emergency cash assistance that goes directly to displaced families like Fattoum’s so she can provide shelter, food, water and medicine to her children.


Want to learn more about helping families this Ramadan? Please visit our website.

For the latest facts and figures on displaced families around the world, visit the UNHCR data portal.


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